All Certified Products


Obtaining and maintaining approval from the most prestigious organic certification bodies has not been easy, but  Pavitramenthe consistently strives to ensure that all products and practices meet the highest standards of organic and natural products, and Organic Certified Products.Regenerative Certified products go beyond sustainable practices by actively contributing to the regeneration of our planet. Through regenerative agriculture techniques such as cover cropping, rotational grazing, and agroforestry, we strive to heal the land, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon dioxide. By choosing our products, consumers can participate in the restoration of our ecosystems and support a more resilient and sustainable future.

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Fair For Life certification ensures that products are ethically and sustainably produced, promoting social and environmental responsibility. It guarantees fair wages, safe working conditions, and community support, fostering transparency and accountability throughout the supply  chain.Fair for life approach also makes sure that all the environmental factors
that are connected to the agricultural practices are taken care of. FFL takes care of issues
like soil health, air quality, water quality, animal rights and human rights. FFL at
Pavitramenthe is duly certified by IMO control India.

Duly certified by IMO Control,Regenerative Organics Certification signifies sustainable farming practices that enhance soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. It emphasizes holistic approaches to agriculture, promoting resilience and rejuvenation of ecosystems.  Adhering to the ROC guidelines, the farming is done keeping
in mind the sustainable development of the planet. ROC tend to create a place where
farmers, brands, policymakers, educators, researchers and individuals come together for
sustainable development. ROC aims to create a healthy organic food chain, where each
and every living being earns respect. Regeneration and renovation of the environment
and ecology is considered to be one of the major aims of the certification.

EU certifications for organic products ensure compliance with strict organic farming and production standards. Products carrying the EU organic logo meet criteria for avoiding synthetic pesticides and GMOs, promoting animal welfare, and sustainable practices.Duly certified by IMO Control,

NPOP (National Programme for Organic Production) certifications ensure that organic products meet the Indian government’s standards.Certified by Onecert, It guarantees authenticity and quality, assuring consumers that the products are genuinely organic.NPOP has set standards are followed by the producers in order to get recognized by the
European commission and Switzerland. This is for providing unfiltered and pure
products which are duly certified and fit for consumption. With these recognitions, Indian
products are properly certifiled after testing by the importer countries and the certification

NOP certifications ensure organic products meet strict USDA standards, assuring consumers that the products are grown, handled, and processed without synthetic chemicals, GMOs, or harmful practices. Various regulations and handbooks have been
set under the NOP guidelines, where specifications are provided in order to adhere to the
rules and regulations which have been set by the certification body. Certified by IMO
Control this is considered to be one of the major certification when exporting the goods.

Duly certified by IMO Control, COR (Certified Organic Regime) certifications verify organic products’ compliance with Canada’s organic standards. It ensures products are produced using environmentally friendly methods without synthetic chemicals. COR
has given set of rules and regulation which needs to be followed in order to get the
certification from the concerned authorities. According to COR Guidelines the products
need to be produced and processed adhering to the organic parameters set. The
certification bodies USDA and COR, has standard equivalency agreement under which
contract is done between the companies. These certifications allow organic operations
under the terms which are duly decided by the equivalency agreement.

fair for life logo

Fairness has No Borders

By choosing products with the Fair for Life certification, consumers can support companies that are committed to promoting fair and ethical treatment of workers and producers, as well as sustainable and environmentally responsible practices.

Reduced tillage

Reducing tillage or using no-till practices can reduce soil disturbance and promote soil health by preserving soil structure, reducing erosion, and promoting carbon sequestration.

Regenerative Organic Certified

Regenerative Organic Certified

Carbon Capture

Soil carbon sequestration involves the capture and storage of atmospheric CO2 in the soil through the use of practices such as conservation tillage, cover cropping, crop rotation, and the use of organic amendments.